To see Sunday’s sermon, click on link below.
bulletin cover feb 16 Bulletin February 16, 2025 insode
Previous Sermon Videos
07/04/2021 Edwina Hanson “The Way”
06/20/2021 Rev. Sarah Jones. Love Overflowing
06/6/2021 Rev. Sarah Jones. Discovering a New Path
05/30/2021 Rev. Sarah Jones. Unraveling Shame
05/23/2021 Rev. Sarah Jones. When Plans for Our Children Unravel
5/16/2021 Rev. Sarah Jones. Unimaginable
5/5/2021 Rev. Sarah Jones. Unraveled By Uncertainty
5/2/2021 Rev. Sarah Jones. Complete Joy
4/25/2021 Rev. Sarah Jones. The Good Shepherd
4/21/2021 Rev. Sarah Jones. Letting Go & Letting God
4/11/2021 Colby Leonard. Tithing
3/28/2021 Mona Penda ‘Palm Sunday”
3/21/2021 Rev Sarah Jones: “I Want to See Jesus”
3/14/2021 Rev Sarah Jones: “God Loves First”
3/07/2021 Rev Sarah Jones: “Holy Table Turning”
2/28/2021 Rev Sarah Jones: “How to Save A Life”
2/21/2021 Rev Sarah Jones: “Into the Wilderness”
2/17/2021 Rev Sarah Jones: “But Only Jesus”
1/17/2021 Rev Sarah Jones: “Blessing Though the House”
1/31/2021 Rev Sarah Jones: “A Second Chance”
1/24/2021 Rev Sarah Jones: Alabama/W Florida preaching.
1/17/2021 Rev Sarah Jones: “Al/West Fla Conference.”
1/10/2021 Rev Sarah Jones: “In the Beginning”
1/3/2021 Rev Sarah Jones: “Those Who Dream Perserver…”
12/27/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: “Those Who Dream Will Not Keep Silent…”
12/20/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: “Those Who Dream…We Are Not Alone”
Welcome to Marlow service 12/13/2020 Pastor Sarah Jones
12/6/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: “Those Who Dream…Prepare the Way”
10/11/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: “Those Who Dream…keep awake”
10/25/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: Where is Hope?
10/25/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: Jesus and the Law
10/11/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: Share the Load
09/13/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: How To Forgive
09/06/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: How to Handle Conflict
08/30/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: A Change of View
08/23/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: A Change of Name
08/16/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: A Change of Heart
08/09/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: How Beautiful
08/02/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: Just Because
07/26/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: Abyss Mystery and Wonder
07/19/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: Awakening to Beauty
07/12/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: Warmed by the Son
07/05/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: Beguiled by Beauty
06/28/2020 Will Underwood: Caring for God’s Creation
06/21/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: Shine A Little Light.
06/14/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: Deep Peace
06/07/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: God With Us
05/31/2020 Rev Colby Leonard: A Patchwork People
05/24/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: Ascension Sunday
05/17/2020 Rev Colby Leonard: Bound Together
05/10/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: Church Mothers
05/03/2020 Rev Colby Leonard: Home Bound
04/26/2020 Rev Sarah Jones: What are you carrying
04/019/2020: Rev Sarah Jones. Tight Spaces
04_12_2020 Easter Sunday Service: Rev Sarah Jones
04/10/2020 Good Friday Service: Rev Sarah Jones
04/09/2020 Maunday Thursday: Rev Sarah Jones
04/05/2020: Rev Sarah Jones. “Walking Together”
03/29/2020 Rev Sarah Jones. “Never to Late”
03/22/2020: Rev Sarah Jones. “New Every Morning”
03/13/2020: Rev Sarah Jones. “Water from the Rock”
03/08/2020: Rev Sarah Jones. “Born Again”
03/01/2020: Rev Sarah Jones. “Fasting for Lent”
02/23/2020: Rev Sarah Jones. “Up the Mountain”
02/016/2020: Rev Sarah Jones. “It Has Been Said”
02/09/2020: Rev Sarah Jones. “The Pursuit of Righteousness”
02/02/2020: Rev Sarah Jones. Call to be Fools
01/26/2020: Rev Sarah Jones. Same Mind, Same Service
01/19/2020: Rev Sarah Jones: You Are Not Lacking
01/12/2020: Rev Sarah Jones. Well Pleased
01/05/2020: Rev Sarah Jones. Fit for a King
12/29/2019: Rev Sarah Jones. First Sunday after Christmas
12/22/2019: Rev. Sarah Jones. Trust For The Journey
12/15/2019: Rev Sarah Jones. Joy for the Journey
12/08/2019: Rev Sarah Jones. Hope for the Journey
12/01/2019: Rev Sarah Jones. Peace for the Journey
11/24/2019: Rev Sarah Jones. Giving Thanks
11/17/2019, Rev. Sarah Jones: Joy Is Coming
11/10/2019 Rev Sarah Jones: The What If Game
School Bells 11/10/2019 Children’s Choir
11/03/2019 Rev Sarah Jones: A Call To Hope
10/27/2019 Rev.Jones A Pharisee and Tax Collector
10/20/2019 Rev. Sarah Jones: Inspired and Useful.
10/06/2019 Rev. Macon Armistead. Calling Costs.
09/29/2019 Carl Hanson, Hiding My Light Under a Basket
09/22/2019 Rev. Sarah Jones. Creation at Risk
09/18/2019 All Hallows Eve. Rev Sarah Jones: Christ and Culture
09/15/2019: Rev Sarah Jones. Creation Out of Chaos.
09/08/2019: Rev Sarah Jones. Live and Death in Creation
09/01/2019: Rev Sarah Jones. Care for Creation
08/25/2019: Rev Sarah Jones. By Water and the Spirit
08/18/2019: Rev Sarah Jones. Christ and Culture
08/11/2019: Rev Sarah Jones. Table and Pulpit.
08/04/2019: Rev Sarah Jones. Head and Heart
07/28/2019: Rev Sarah Jones. Form and Power.
07/21/2019 Rev. Sarah Jones: Personal plus Social
07/14/2019 Rev Sarah Jones. Word Plus Spirit
07/07/2019 Rev Sarah Jones: Kerygma: Faith + Works
06/30/2019 Rev Sarah Jones: For Freedoms Sake
06/24/2019 Rev Sarah Jones: What are You Doing Here?
06/16/2019 Rev Sarah Jones: Gifts of the Suffering
06/09/2019 Rev Sarah Jones: Earth Wind and Fire
05/26/2019 Rev Sarah Jones: Waiting on the Lord
05/12/2019 Rev Sarah Jones: Eschet Chayil Woman of Valor