Opportunities to learn and Serve:
SMALL GROUPS are a great way to fellowship, study scripture and other writings by Christian authors. You are invited to any of these, come and see if this is a good opportunity for you in this year!
Sundays at 8:45 am – Sunday school for all ages.
Tuesdays at 7:30 am – men gather for coffee and fellowship.
Tuesdays at 10:00 am – “Sisters in Christ” meet for fellowship, study, and prayer. We are studying the book “Why” by Adam Hamilton.
Wednesdays – 6:00 pm Bible Study.
New studies starting in “Sisters in Christ” Ladies meet on Tuesdays at 10:00
“Claim Stakers SS school class-Sundays at 8:45 – for both men and women starting “The Screwtape Letters” by C. S. Lewis.
OUR RIVER CROSSING FOOD PANTRY IS ASKING FOR YOUR HELP IN OUR FOOD DRIVE. Every year we give Thanksgiving meals to neighbors in need. You may donate cash for the turkeys and any food that goes for Thanksgiving dinner
The Upper Room devotionals for are on the hallway table. You may pick one up. Please leave a donation.
COMMUNION OFFERINGS: Offerings placed in the basket during communion are used for critical local community needs (utilities, gas, etc.)
On the last Sunday of each month, at 8:45, we meet before Sunday School classes for an assembly. Announcements and recognition’s are made at this time. Please plan to attend.
NURSERY WORKERS NEEDED: Please sign up in the Nursery. You may sign up for one Sunday or more. You will enjoy serving in this way.
MARLOW UMC T-SHIRTS: Wear one for events like Fish Fries and many other places. Let people know your church affiliation.
$10-adult, $8-children. See Edwina Hanson.
SMALL GROUPS are a great way to fellowship, study scripture and other writings by Christian authors. You are invited to any of these, come and see if this is a good opportunity for you in this new year of 2018!
The pantry will resume regular schedule in January, the 2nd & 4th Thursdays.
HELP, VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED DURING WORSHIP FOR THE NURSERY. Sign-up sheet can be found in the nursery.
Publicity: News to be printed in the Baldwin Register Church Calendar must be to the paper on Tuesday. Please turn in any information by noon on Tuesday to Babbie Heilmeier. E-mail is the preferred way, babbie@gulftel.com. Or you may call: 988-8388
1) Click on Stewardship 2) Click on the Create Profile button 3) Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your contributions.Updating Our Records: If your contact information has changed, please call the office at 251-988-8563 Thank you for helping us stay in touch with you!
The Deadline for contributions to the Sunday bulletin is Thursday at 2:00 pm. E-mail is the preferred communication: ginnyharris@centurylink.net or you may call 988-1916. Please let Ginny know about prayer concerns and if you want to honor or remember someone when placing flowers.